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På utstillingen viser jeg en del av mine egne ting, 2d og 3d, verk av inviterte og venner fra rl (real life) og SL (Second Life), og en del verk fra kunstsamlingen min (for jeg har begynt som kunstsamler også).
På åpningen vil det være en performance av den canadiske kunstneren Jeremy Owen Turner; Wirxli Flimflam er navnet hans i Second Life. Det er så herlig! Han er en av favorittkunstnerne min der inne, pluss Gazira Babeli. Hun er også med på utstillingen.
Wirxli har med seg to gjester i performancen.
Info fra Wirxli:
FRIDAY, May 25, 2007: 2-4 PM SL time...
"nOObjectivity #1" - A critical nOObject series #1 by Wirxli Flimflam.
Curator: Plurabelle Posthorn
Featuring these in-world critics as Flimflam's special guests:
Dr. Lisa Dapto (Dr. Lisa Dethridge) -
Dr. Pastichan Yifu (Dr. Patrick Foon Chan) -
1) Wirxli Flimflam (Jeremy Owen Turner) is a performance artist and the co-founder of the pioneering performance art group in Second Life called, Second Front -
Flimflam is also the Director of Avatar Development for the LIVE Biennial of Performance Art in Vancouver, Canada.
2) Lisa Dethridge has taught at New York University, the American Film Institute, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA); the Australian Film, TV and Radio School (AFTRS) and University of Melbourne.
She has a PhD, in Media Ecology from New York University, an M.A. in Political Science and a B.A. (hons.) in Fine Arts and Lit. from Melbourne University.
Lisa has conducted research across the spectrum of electronic communications and media. She has worked as a research analyst for the United Nations Secretariat in New York, for NASA (US National Aerospace and Aeronautics Agency) in Houston and for Telstra and Telecom Australia. Most recently she has designed scripts for Multi-User Virtual Environment Second Life for clients including Telstra Big Pond and ABC Television. She has produced and developed script and story material for major and independent studios and networks including Fox, Warner, Working Title, MTV, CBS, NBC, Ted Turner CNN, Granada, SBS, Dempa Japan, Conde Nast; the Australian Film Commission, the Film Finance Corporation, ABC Australia, Artist Services, 3RR Radio, TV New Zealand and Vogue magazine.
3) Patrick Chan has just completed his PhD at Melbourne's RMIT University in Australia. Chan's dissertation examined the production of South-East Asian post-colonial spatiality and subjectivity in relation to theoretical writing and design practices through the School of Architecture and Design at Melbourne’s RMIT University.
His current research continues to look at how theoretical writing can become part of the design process and is not merely as a tool for reflection.
This entails looking at different ways in which designers and design theorists may treat the composition of theoretical texts.
Så det blir bare dødskult..... Kom hvis du kan!
Ordnet meg konto og greier. Heter Jorsol Tenk, men alt låste seg. Prøvde å skru av og på PC-en, men det hjalp ikke. Fikk også noen feilmeldinger fra second life. Synd jeg glipp av åpningen, men kanskje jeg kan ta en titt senere?
SvarSlettÅ, søren, synd! Det var så gøy. Masse folk kom. Det kan være noe av årsaken til at du ikke greide å komme inn. Jeg hadde nok hypa åpningen for mye! Wirxli Flimflam er jo berømt, (ihvertfall på Second Life). Det kommer en rapport fra åpningen etterhvert, og video av performancen. Kanskje jeg lager et lite party bare for dere venninnene om litt.